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Honda Cr500 Cr500r 1985-2001 Stainless Screw Bolt Engine Kit Polished Set


Honda 1985-2001 (water cooled…not 84) engine only kit. All bolts/nuts HAND polished stainless . All Allen head kit, the whole kit is sorted, labeled and includes instructions.
perfect for your basket case,restoration, or just do something nice for your beast. NOTICE: this kit fits all water cooled cr500, and we’ve taken ito account the model changes over the years, so you will have bolts left over!!

Kit includes:
CR500R 1985- 2001

12 pieces

b: cylinder/intake/exhaust flange (head
nuts not included)
20 pieces

c:left crankcase cover (flywheel)
4 pieces

d:sprocket cover
4 pieces

e:right crankcase cover
16 pieces

f:waterpump cover
5 pieces

61 pieces total

pic of similar kit -CR500R has more pieces

SKU: SCEH7GB3844L6RYQ7-KT223 Category: